Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Stress.  We all have it.  Unless you are some form of way too cool cucumber, we all have stress.  And we all deal with stress in different ways.  Like myself for example, I seem to bottle it up inside until I finally self - destruct.  My self - esteem has completely hit the wall and taken a ticket for England and left me behind.  My days seem darker, and it seems as no one can tolerate me.  With all that anger, there are outlets for it.  I have the urge to punch all the people that piss me off in the face, but I maintain my cool as ice exterior, eventually to heat to a boil until I completely lose it and yell in their face.  And then comes the anger.  All my rage is concentrated on destroying this one human being.  RAGE MONSTER!!! BRAWARARARARARARARAR!!  No fights have actually occurred yet, but someday.  Oh, someday.  But when that person is a good foot taller than you, it doesn't help.  Yet knowing you could snap their arm in half through extensive martial arts training seems to cool me off quite quickly.  I just smile and keep walking, knowing one day I'll walk through the doors of high school once again with my graduating class for a reunion, and she will be working minimum wage with about six kids and no baby daddy, and then there will be me.  Wealthy beyond belief, married with three sons, and a successful writer.  Oh, one day.  But for now, stress shall be handled, and will be worth the dealing in the end.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Slump

We all have those days.  For some people, it's weeks.  But for people like me;  it's months.  Months where you can't sleep, eat properly, function, socialize, and related topics.  I like to call this The Slump.  Where you can't even work your smartphone because you're in so far in a Slump, you just want to throw it against the wall and scream, "DAMN YOU MODERN TECHNOLOGY!!!"  But, few of us have done that, because after the adrenaline subsides, and you come to your senses, you realize,  shit.  I just broke one of my only connections to the outside world.  So, until you can get access to a phone, you are curled in your dark apartment with your assortment of cats, rocking back and forth whispering some random nonsense on how the cats are your only friends.  That, is a Slump.  Then there are the Social Slumps, where it seems that all your friends have forgotten you, and you can't seem to make any more.  Not even the creepy guy in the cubicle next to you at your dead-end, but well paying job, wants to associate with you.  Not even your PARENTS will answer your calls.  And, God forbid, even your parakeet (where do you people find all your pets?!?!?!)  won't even whistle at you.  That, is a Social Slump.
          Then there is the Function Slump.  You're working in your office, on your homework, on your big project for work, then nothing.  Blank.  Darkness.  You don't even remember why you are in your kitchen, office, basement, garage, ect.  You start to sweat, and hyperventilate, and start screaming so loudly that your neighbors down the street call to tell you to turn down the Screamo music.  You try to get back your train of thought, but it seems that you can't even begin to attract a single thought.  Your imagination is a barren wasteland.  There aren't even tumble weeds.  You've now entered a Function Slump.

Welcome to Fail

Ah,  I see you've made it to Failure at it's Finest.  I don't know wether to congratulate or pray for you.......  ANYWAY,  welcome.  Welcome to my small little world of fail.  Also known as Nevada, Missouri, where the population is so small, I can remember the population exactly.  8,607.   That's how many people are inside the city limits (that's not even counting all the countless country-folk)  and where our football team can't win a game,  our girl sports are more successful that the boys, and where our marching band is better that our football team.  Welcome to Failure. And, to where I will rant and rave until I bore you to tears (or at least occupy your time.)  AND OMG.  Jenna is going out with Brad.  I like Brad.  And Jenna isn't even *THAT* pretty!  *throw's phone in an angered state of emotion*  AHHH!!!  Ahh, you gotta love Mayhem commercials.
                       Here at Welcome to Fail,  you'll see many mentions of my friends, our adventures, the boys we irritate (and who love us to death,)  my complaining, my excitement over random things (look!  Ninja!  QK)  and life in general.  SO, without further ado, Welcome, to WELCOME TO FAIL.
                                                         Emma M.  Denman